
Consolidated High School District 230: What They Don't Want You To Know

Homeless Discrimination

District 230 tries to prevent undesirable students from attending their schools. This includes homeless children. Here is the flyer provided by Amos Alonzo Stagg High School for registration this year. The information on this flyer is clear that you must own your own home or have a valid lease in order to apply to attend schools in District 230. Obviously, homeless families are unable to provide the required documentation, and so are ostensibly unable to attend the district.

Unfortunately, this violates both federal and Illinois law. Federally, the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act 42 U.S.C. 11431 requires that states provide education for homeless children in the state. In Illinois, the Education for Homeless Children Act 105 ILCS 45 covers the homeless children. In fact, the district may even be required to provide transportation for the student to the school. However, if your family is homeless, you may not have access to legal help to know that your rights are being violated. This works in favor of District 230 in their campaign to prevent unwanted enrollment.

If you lived in the CHSD 230 residency area and became homeless, the District 230 school is still your "school of origin" and you have a right to send your children there. You probably also don't have to pay any of the fees either. There are ways to fight for your right to go to school. The State of Illinois, for example, has a process. Let me know how things are going at secrets@230secrets.com.

Let Consolidated High School District 230 know that you disapprove of their actions. Their phone number is 708-745-5203. Tell them you heard about it on 230Secrets.com!

Here is Stagg's registration form